What does it cost? There are a few different fees to register the program. • $5 for this program only • $10 for all programs made by Nisseb Software, including future releases and versions • $50 (or more) for a company license of all software, including unlimited use of all software • Nothing, if you want to spend some time in localizing the software into your language (unless it's already done, please check with the webpage before you do) How do I pay? Preferable by sending me cash via postal mail, in whichever currency you like (dollars, kronor, franc, baht, pesetas, etc, exotic ones are always fun!). Cheques are to expensive to use in Sweden, so please leave them where they are. Enclose your name, email-address and the programs you're using, and if you want, what you think of the programs and any suggestions or other comments you may have. Why can't I pay via Kagi? I've been in touch with Kagi a couple of times, but as everything appears by now, their services would be to expensive to use. Maybe I'll think different in the future about Kagi. And if I don't want to pay..? Ok, go for it. Be my guest. Eat my shoes. Happy Christmas. No, to be serious, if you're a poor student, if you don't wish to spend your last money on some stupid programs, if you like them but don't use them so much that you will pay for them or if there is any other reason, just send me whatever you like instead! A postcard, a photo of your pets, your own programs, a single CD, a fanmail, a photo of yourself (preferable from girls in a reasonable attractive age, or if you have a sister or something.. :-), chocolate, a pen, whatever. You would make me very disappointed if you don't send anything at all..! And if you like the programs but don't want to tell me that you're too stingy to pay, tell your friends what great programs they are and tell them to pay instead. I'll pay for one copy and send the registration number to all of my friends. Mouhaha. Oh, really? Tell all your friends to register instead, start their computers a late night and copy the number from them instead. Seriously, I don't really care that much if you pay or not, but I would be really sad if you're breaking the whole idea down by getting others to not pay. For every hour you save on using one of the software, I've probably spent ten hours just to get it work... My company would like to use the program on a lof of machines. How much should we pay? What do you think? If you're working on a big company which always have the latest models and newest releases, you probably have a few dollars left to pay me. If your company always want the cheapest programs and use the program just because there are no freeware utilities which does the same job, you don't need to pay thousands of dollars to me.. There is a $50 fee, but I'm open for other options. The most important for me is to get anything at all, so please ask yourself how much you think the program is worth, and email me if you don't find out any good answer to that question. Where can I get more information? Everyone can add themselves to the free mailinglist by visiting the webpage or sending me an email. When you're added, you'll get information via email about new releases and upgrades. You may also find the latest stuff at the webpages (see below) and of course, by emailing me! What other stuff have you made? Please see the wwwpage for an answer to this question since I continue to write new programs all the time. Currently, these are the most useful stuff available: HTML LinkChecker finds and corrects broken links and missing pictures on your webpages, both local and externals. HTML Vocabulary is an HTML tag reference including almost every useful HTML tag available. Mapper is the easiest way to create imagemaps (clickable pictures) for www-pages. Mailto Converter is a tool for converting mailed webform results. Where can I contact you? Via mail or email only. I've got a voice dial once from a CD author in Denmark, but I don't like to speak to people in languages I don't know. I'm not at home so often neither. You can reach me by fax on demand only, so please let me know if you need to send something. Mail: Carl Bäckström Nisseb Software Hackspettsgatan 8 SE-1412 70 Göteborg Sweden Email: mailto:carl.backstrom@gfk.se WWW: or